Woman holding virtual meeting with three others on computer and taking notes

In 2020, ASUG began using Qualtrics to collect and analyze the data it gathers for its research activities. Adopting this advanced platform has made it possible for us to discover insights in a fraction of the time it once required when our primary tools were spreadsheets and a basic survey generator.

When the COVID-19 crisis arose in mid-March, our research team sprung to action and developed a weekly ASUG Pulse Check survey, using Qualtrics. Our goal is to stay in touch with our members so we can develop programming to meet their rapidly changing needs in this environment. At the same time, ASUG CEO Geoff Scott began using one of the free tools Qualtrics is providing employers to give ASUG employees a voice to express their outlook, observations, and wishes. We are sharing this feedback weekly with ASUG employees—who are currently working remotely—so they feel both connected and heard.

During this live webcast and Q&A, you’ll hear from the head of our research team, Carolyn Szczurek, about these two use cases for Qualtrics at ASUG. She’ll explain what it took to roll out these projects, as well as how we’re continuing to develop them as we learn new insights each week. ASUG CEO Geoff Scott will join to describe the value the ASUG leadership team is getting from having an up to date of employee sentiment.

If you’ve been curious about what Qualtrics can help you accomplish at your organization, join us to learn how you can implement similar initiatives or experiment with some of the free resources Qualtrics is making available during the COVID-19 crisis.



  • Adopting Qualtrics at ASUG - 4:45
  • Measuring and Communicatng Member Needs - 11:20
  • Connecting with Employees - 33:50
  • Taking Advantage of Free Resources - 41:30
  • Q & A - 46:40




  • Geoff Scott, Chief Executive Offer, ASUG
  • Carolyn Szczurek, Market Research Manager, ASUG

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