Are You Ready for Digital Transformation? Assess Your Digital Readiness Today

Next Generation Benchmarking for the Digital Economy. In today’s digital reality, customers are asking SAP to help them with their business transformation, and the new capabilities they need in a digital economy. The two main questions SAP gets from customers are:

How do I evaluate my readiness to transform our business as compared to peers?

What specific opportunities should I focus on in my industry?

To address customer needs, SAP has developed two new survey types available at no cost that answer these questions in a simple and practical way.

  • The Enterprise Digital Readiness Assessment which articulates if a company is ready for digital transformation and provides organizations with a clear understanding of overall digital maturity.
  • Digital Industry + LOB Readiness Assessments which are designed to assess an organizations value chain in terms of digital maturity based on industry/LoB-specific digital best practice scenarios.

During this webcast, we will share more information about the surveys and the output samples to illustrate how they can help demystify the opportunities for digital transformation. In addition, initial insights will be reviewed based on the companies that have participated in the surveys to date.

Aditi Chhaya, Vice President, Chief Transformation Office, SAP
Paul Kurchina, ASUG Community Advocate