The current state of the energy industry has led to a digital turning point for the oil and gas business. For an organization to not only grow—but to survive—developing a coherent digital strategy is imperative. 

We invite you to the Oil and Gas Summit on Nov. 7th in Calgary—a complimentary event designed for all industry segments including upstream, midstream, downstream and oilfield services to bring together leaders, influencers, and solution providers for an interactive event built around learning.

During the summit, you will learn about SAP’s strategy to deliver the intelligent energy enterprise. You will leave with a vision of how the intelligent energy enterprise will operate with visibility, focus, and agility to achieve game-changing outcomes, and also practical next steps to safely navigate this journey.

This event is complimentary as part of your ASUG membership and is intended for SAP customers. Non-Members are welcome to attend. Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and networking opportunities with SAP experts and customers.

If you need to cancel your registration at any time, please email