In partnership with insightsoftware, this ASUG webcast will deliver insights designed to support your work with SAP technology.

Finance teams are being asked to lead in organizational data as businesses look to do more with less during these uncertain economic times. A Gartner study indicates that by 2025, 50% of financial planning and analysis leaders will be responsible for an enterprise-wide data strategy. However, finance teams struggle to easily access SAP data that is often restricted to certain departments, hindering informed decision-making and creating data silos.

In this upcoming webinar, Richard den Ouden, insightsoftware's in-house SAP expert, will discuss how to overcome these barriers using real-time analytics for better decisions across different functions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn strategies to equip your team with the right analytical tools for an enterprise-wide data strategy.
  • Gain a comprehensive view of your business across people, technology and data.
  • Evaluate organizational processes, fix inefficiencies, and improve business performance.


  • Richard den Ouden, Co-Founder of Every Angle (now Angles Enterprise for SAP by insightsoftware), insightsoftware

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