Hosted by: Mobile Technologies SIG of the BITI Community

SAP recently announced a new mobile development kit that is part of SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services. This kit is a plug in to Web IDE, and is fully aligned with our SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS and app roadmap. In this webcast you will learn how to adapt and tailor apps to new use cases and users without completely rewriting the app. You’ll learn how to reuse building blocks in a metadata-driven approach by customizing select native SAP apps like SAP Asset Manager. We’ll show you how to create new native mobile apps without writing any code and demonstrate how to add features such as navigation, offline OData, device capabilities, CRUD operations to a backend, business rules, and more. The kit works seamlessly with code created in XCODE. The feature is part of SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services and was formerly know as SAP Enterprise App Modeler.


Sue Berry, SAP

Lucas Wonderley, SAP