The End of Magical Thinking: Metrics Matters Revealed

Join a conversation between noted author Michael Doane, and ASUG volunteer and SAP Mentor Jim Spath on the state of enterprise technology application software, focusing on hard metrics necessary for continuous business process improvement.  Okay, your company has been running SAP for years - now what?  Are you measuring what you should?  Does your business ask IT for critical trending or is it a hands off approach?  This session will be interactive, with attendees able to ask Michael direct questions.

By attending you will:

  • Learn more about how SAP application portfolio management can work
  • Understand the enterprise domains
  • Learn the basics of business measurement in a business process environment
  • Connect with peers


Michael Doane, Doane Associates
Jim Spath, Volunteer Moderator

Michael Doane is a leading authority on enterprise applications. He advises clients on strategies, implementation and integration with a focus upon methods for deriving continuous and measurable value from enterprise applications investments.

He is the author of The SAP Blue Book, a Concise Business Guide to the World of SAP, as well as The SAP Green Book, A Business Guide for Effectively Managing the SAP Lifecycle