Cybersecurity is becoming one of the most important issues in the business world today. Cybersecurity breaches don’t just make headlines: they can damage customer relations, bring collateral damage to partners, and drive stock prices down and IT budgets up.
Cybersecurity is also turning into a major driver for a host of business and technical decisions. Most companies are struggling to fold increased awareness of cybersecurity into virtually every new project, business relationship, and technology decision. This work touches corporate culture, business processes, people, and technology in ways few other topics can.
For SAP customers, the sensitivity and vulnerability of the data and business processes that reside in SAP systems has made cybersecurity a particularly urgent requirement. SAP systems aren’t just complex in and of themselves: they are frequently part of a larger, heterogeneous infrastructure that makes locking down an SAP system dependent on the security of non-SAP systems. And getting any of this wrong has consequences that stretch well beyond SAP systems and SAP users, as well.
ASUG will be presenting a series of webcasts, blog posts, reports, and events intended to help SAP users, decision makers, and partners sort through the complexities of cybersecurity in the SAP ecosystem and show how to keep your company from becoming the next victim in the cybersecurity wars. We are collaborating with the ASUG Security Special Interest Group (SIG) for this special focus on cybersecurity.
You can register for the full series, or simply select the ones that most interest you below.
Featured Webcasts:
- Oct. 23: The Cloud, Internet of Things, and Critical Infrastructure: It's Not Too Late for "The Cyber"
- Oct. 24: Building Trust, Not Walls — SAP's Security Strategy
- Oct. 25: Achieving Baseline Security within the SAP Environment
- Oct. 26: Doing Business in Europe? General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): What You Need to Know and Do
- Oct. 27: SAP Cloud Security Delivered by SAP Cloud Secure and Trust Center
Featured Speakers:
- Mark Weatherford, vArmour
- Justin Somaini, Chief Security Officer, SAP
- Frederik Weidemann, Senior Consultant, Virtual Forge GmbH
- Patric Dahse, CEO, Natuvion
- Benjamin Spies, Data Privacy Lawyer & Partner, SKW Schwarz
- Ming Chang, SAP
If you can’t attend these webcasts in real time, don’t worry — if you sign up for any webcast in the series, you will be notified when the recording and presentations are available to watch one or as many as you want at your convenience.
Take the Survey
As part of Cybersecurity Week, we encourage you to participate in the ASUG Research Services Cybersecurity Survey. Regardless of your role or seniority, your thoughts and opinions will help us develop cybersecurity content that is relevant and helpful to you and your organization. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete the survey, and only aggregate results will be shared. We appreciate you taking the time to give us a better understanding of how ASUG customers think about and execute on issues related to cybersecurity.