ASUG Enterprise Asset Management Inspiration Roadshow – Rethink, Reimagine, Refresh 

Discover exciting opportunities to do more with asset management in your organization at this full-day, complimentary event where you will hear from customers, SAP, and partners about how to “Rethink, Reimagine, and Refresh." 

Highlights of each EAM Inspiration day include: 

  • Rethink and Reimagine Asset Management – Featured Keynote by Dr. Achim Krüger, Vice President, Line of Business Asset Management, SAP 
  • Featured Customer Speakers
  • SAP and Partner Perspectives on Rethinking and Reimaging Asset Management
  • Asset Management Think Tank – Learn, Network, and Share
  • Nuggets of Gold – Unearthing New EAM Functionality
  • SAP and Partner Perspectives on Refreshing Your Existing Asset Management Investments 
  • ASUG EAM Community Perspectives and Updates

Please Note: The Calgary event will be co-located with the ASUG Prairie Provinces Chapter meeting. Register here.