Getting More Value from SAP® Support Day: Register Today!

Date: December 6, 2017


Discover Your Keys to Success for Today and Tomorrow 

One key objective of both ASUG and SAP is to help businesses, IT users, and partners work more effectively with their SAP software investment by simplifying solutions, providing knowledge enablement tools to improve skill-sets, and offering direct access to support experts.  SAP Support is more than fixing existing issues, and provides services and tools for risk mitigation, lowering Total Cost of Operations and leveraging innovation with minimum disruption to your business. It is designed and built to help you prevent incidents before they happen with technical resources and services that are proactive and prescriptive.

Whether you are interested in improving current business processes, optimizing your IT landscape through Data Volume or Custom Code reduction, or preparing your business for Digital Transformation, SAP Support has the keys to unlock your success and support you on your journey.

In this interactive information day brought to you by ASUG and SAP, we will provide you with the necessary knowledge to drive more value from your SAP Support investment.   Learn how to access the services, reports, education, and tools, that are already yours, to discover current value realization opportunities for your SAP solutions, identify business improvement enhancements, and accelerate your path to innovation. 

During these sessions, you will also learn how to better utilize ASUG to help you on your SAP journey today and tomorrow.


Keys to Success for Today and Tomorrow:

- Leveraging SAP Enterprise Support 

- Next Generation Support (SAP)

- Pathfinder – enhance your existing landscape and accelerate innovation with Cloud and SAP S/4HANA

- Value and Benefits of Utilizing SAP Solution Manager 7.2

- Preventing Cyber Attacks on SAP

- Optimize Journey to SAP S/4HANA with help from SAP Support Tools and Services 

-  Leverage the SAP Extension Policy for new innovations



Kristen Scheffler, SAP 

VerNeil Mesecher Jr., SAP

Oliver Hid Arida, SAP

Shawn Farmer, SAP

Mandy Spivey, SAP

Ed Crockett, SAP 

Shane MacDonald, Director of Customers Success, Onapsis

Jon Friesen, Chief Technologist,  Monocle Systems

Paul Kurchina, ASUG