Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) is not only a national mobility provider, but also a railway infrastructure and rolling stock operator managing a variety of different asset types. During the last years, the capacity demand for mobility intensively increased, and the requirement to keep the critical assets or systems in reliable operation became even more important. To better understand and manage causes and effects in operation, SBB has chosen the reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) approach and partnered with SAP in a co-innovation to improve RCM capabilities in SAP Intelligent Asset Management suite. The failure-mode is a fundamental element in RCM. When it comes to condition-based or predictive maintenance, the failure mode is the ground root to successfully implement use cases that have a valuable impact within the business processes. First use cases show that it is important to educate the employees in RCM, but also having a scalable and future-ready software solution available.

Key learnings:

  • Failure mode as a key in maintenance management
  • Continuous improvement in maintenance management
  • Operationalize condition-based and predictive-maintenance use cases

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