In partnership with PwC, this ASUG webcast will deliver insights designed to support your work with SAP technology.

Currently, there are more clean energy (CE) commitments and projects to stakeholders than quality resources available to execute and deliver these programs cost effectively. CE participants are trying to use legacy tools and processes to deliver CE commitments which can negatively impact reliability and total cost of ownership (TCO). In this session, you will hear how PwC is working with SAP to deliver a CE data model configured in SAP S/4HANA that can enable a connected CE construction and supply chain that facilitates collaboration and removes barriers and blind spots improving throughout, quality, controls, reliability, visibility, and cost performance. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the capabilities needed to address the clean energy challenges.
  • Discover how PwC has solved pre-configured clean energy SAP S/4HANA capabilities with Utility Edge Clean Energy.
  • Learn how new technologies like Gen AI can help us solve the Utilities challenges.


  • Jeff Briner, Principal, PwC
  • Phillip Taylor, Managing Director, PwC
  • Islam Abdelkhalek, Director, PwC

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