Join this interactive Think Tank to learn more about the SAP Trust Center from Chief Trust Officer, Elena Kvochko, and her team. Learn about the secure development methodology SAP uses, as well as how SAP ensures secure product delivery. Hear how SAP uses customer feedback to co-innovate for secure solutions. Understand where to find key cloud security documentation and cloud architecture information. Bring your questions about SAP cloud security. 

Meet the Speakers here!

This session occurs on Monday, April 25, at 12 p.m. ET/ 11 a.m. CT , and will address: 

  • The SAP Cloud security strategy 

  • Where to get more information on SAP Cloud security 

  • The SAP secure code development strategy 

  • The key components of SAP Cloud security 

Our objectives for you as a Think Tank attendee: 

  • Come to the Think Tank ready to share your story, challenges, and/or questions. You can email your thoughts by contacting before the call. 

  • Participate live during the event by unmuting your mic, turning on your video, or sharing in the Zoom chat feature. 

  • Understand the challenges and successes other SAP customers are experiencing. 

  • Acquire new ideas for real-world solutions. 

  • Make a lasting new industry connection. 

If you are experiencing challenges and would like to lead your own case study, fill out the survey here