
To achieve operational integrity, companies need access to different types of data to improve decisions at the point of work execution.  Most oil and gas companies integrate some data sources, but lack a true ‘connected assets’ platform to effectively integrate data sources together.  They work around this limitation by performing inspections, gathering information on spreadsheets and reviewing readings on pumps and valves.  This process takes a lot of time and effort and limits their ability to improve performance across the plant or on the rig. This process is changing, as newer platforms and software easily integrate data sources; enabling operations with insight and alerts specifying degradation in equipment before they fail, so that actions can be taken to minimize downtime.

This presentation will provide insight on the challenges facing the O&G industry in the area of connected assets and how developing a digital transformation initiative can change thinking to drive value across the enterprise.  Examples of successful customer initiatives will be discussed, to show how some companies are starting down the path of change, using technology combined with business process change to optimize operations.  By developing an enterprise transformation plan, O&G companies can adjust to dynamic changes occurring in their industry and successfully navigate the hype cycles driven by technology to improve decisions, processes and ultimately, operations.


Mark PyattGlobal Lead, Operational Integrity, SAP O&G Industry Practice

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