PS 15/15 Sessions: Cost Planning

The Enterprise Project and Portfolio Management (EPPM) webcast short series provides new insights to SAP’s varied and broad set of project management applications. Join the open line discussion to share your insights and have your questions answered by the experts.

Cost planning deals with the costs you expect to incur in connection with your project as it is executed. This session will cover the ins and outs of the different cost planning methods available.

Key Takeaways:
- Learn about functional aspects of Project Systems (PS)
- Understand how to leverage your new learnings
- Ask the experts your questions


Phil Jette

Register for the Series:

Part 1: WBS Structure
Part 2: Networks
Part 3: Networks Part 2
Part 4: Material Valuation
Part 5: Cost Planning
Part 6: Milestone Functions
Part 7: Confirmations
Part 8: Capacity Planning
Part 9: Progress Analysis
Part 10: Settlement Part 1
Part 11: Settlement Part 2
Part 12: Reporting 1 - Project Managers
Part 13: Reporting 2 - Project Accountants