Higher Education Monthly Town Hall - December 2018

Please join the Higher Education Community for a monthly phone call where attendees can share updates, best practices, and discuss hot topics.

Open call lines will be available. Join to listen, learn and share.

This call is intended for ASUG Installation (SAP Customers) members ONLY.

This interactive conference call will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 11:00 a.m. ET. Mark your calendars and consider joining us for an on-going conversation with your colleagues in the Higher Education Community.

To register for all monthly Town Halls, click here.


Time stamps:

Recap of Higher Ed face to face meeting (5:00)

Migration to S/4 Hana discussion (12:00)

Open dialouge and questions (15:00)

Volunteer Moderators:

Todd Orr, Higher Ed Chair, Duke University
Jill Mikros, Higher Ed Program Chair, Johns Hopkins

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