In partnership with Esker, this ASUG webcast will deliver insights designed to support your work with SAP technology.

Today’s B2B customers expect every interaction — from ordering and delivery to post-purchase engagement — to be fast and responsive. But cultivating a consistent, meaningful customer journey is easier said than done. Join Esker’s Will Bakker for an insightful webinar detailing the benefits of Gen AI and other digital tools in helping encourage better collaboration, lower operating costs, improved visibility, and happier employees and customers.

Key takeaways:

  • Discover how to ensure customer orders are fulfilled quickly and correctly thanks AI-driven tools like order reception and triage, data extraction and validation, and more.
  • Learn how Gen AI can help CSRs accelerate inquiry responses, while auto-routing and chat tool improve consistency and accountability across the board.
  • Experience the solution in action via a brief demo that concludes the webcast.


  • Will Bakker, Business Development Manager, Esker

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