Security is no longer considered a luxury for IT systems. Your custom applications written in ABAP are a target for cyberattacks. This session explains how SAP Code Vulnerability Analyzer can help you to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities in your ABAP applications.

Key takeaways:

  • How cyber attackers can exploit security vulnerabilities in ABAP custom code
  • How SAP Code Vulnerability Analyzer can help you identify and fix those vulnerabilities
  • How to develop a security strategy with respect to ABAP custom code


  • 1:45 – Speaker introduction
  • 2:30 – About Code Vulnerability Analyzer (CVA)
  • 7:15 – Application security testing solutions and best practices at SAP
  • 9:15 – SAP ABAP test framework
  • 16:15 – Demo: application security testing
  • 25:30 – How the code analysis works
  • 28:05 – Priority of each check
  • 33:30 – Application security products
  • 34:55 – Overview of available checks
  • 40:00 – Further information


  • Peter Barker, Product Manager

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