In partnership with Esker, this ASUG webcast will deliver insights designed to support your work with your SAP technology.

In today's dynamic business landscape, organizations face mounting challenges in maintaining financial integrity amidst increasing risks of payment fraud and the schemes of other bad actors. In this webinar, we’ll delve into the transformative potential of accounts payable (AP) automation in fortifying financial processes. By scrutinizing vulnerabilities in supplier management, invoice processing and payment processes, attendees will gain insights into the nexus between automation and supplier risk mitigation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how supplier management, invoice processing, and payment automation help reduce risk and protect against fraud.
  • Explore how automation streamlines AP workflows and enhances transparency.
  • Discover practical strategies for leveraging automation to bolster financial security, safeguard assets, and promote organizational resilience. 


  • Kirk Topliffe, Business Development Manager, Esker

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