Membership for Partners
Go beyond traditional marketing and engage with an audience talking about SAP. ASUG Partner Members have the unique opportunity to gain visibility, build brand awareness with event sponsorship and editorial and digital content creation, and tap into the needs and challenges of SAP users.

A home for SAP professionals.
An ASUG partner membership gives you access to a valuable base of professional peers and SAP power users. Through educational and networking opportunities, you'll understand the needs and challenges of SAP professionals.
Access prospects and turn them into customers.
Enhance Your Expertise
Receive exclusive opportunities to create content targeting SAP users and showcase you and your company as thought leaders and experts in your field. Learn about the needs of SAP customers and how to fulfill them. Stay up-to-date with the latest changes in the SAP landscape and continue learning about new technologies to provide your customers with best-in-class support.
Make New Prospect Connections
An ASUG partner membership helps you generate more leads to grow your business by granting you access to 130,000+ SAP customers through ASUG-exclusive networking events and educational opportunities.
Increase Your Brand Awareness
ASUG offers its partner members leadership and professional advancement opportunities to help you and your company stand out as you build your network. Align your brand with a trusted voice in the SAP ecosystem for over 30 years.
Experience Partner Opportunities
With 130,000 members (and growing), ASUG is North America's largest, most diverse, and most engaged SAP user group. ASUG Partner Members have the unique and exclusive opportunity to gain visibility and position themselves as thought leaders in a community looking for support and guidance on their SAP journey.
Reach a network of decision makers.
Leverage the chance to ignite or shape conversations as a thought leader by presenting at events available only to ASUG Members:
Become a partner member and join the largest SAP user group
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